Three Interior Design Trends We Can Dismiss This Year

Trend come and go. From fashion to music to interior design our tastes change year in and year out to welcome in the new and say goodbye to the old. With that in mind, here are three interior design trends we will dismiss this year—and a few correlating suggestions for optional alternatives.


For a moment in time, it seemed like everyone wanted to suspend time a little and outfit the whole of their interiors with major antique motifs. Thankfully, those days are over.  Nobody wants to decorate an entire space with a single time period in mind. Instead, opt for timeless pieces that bring historic character or charm to a space, bringing together past, present, and future in a unique and memorable way.


For several years, it seemed like bigger was going to be better but this year, homeowners and designers alike are opting for a more practical approach.  But it is not just that people are getting tired of the eyesores you get from too much oversized furniture; rents are getting higher and spaces are getting smaller. Instead, consider a convertible Sofa cum bed or multi-functional furniture that actually adds value to what limited spaces we are starting to have these days.


For several years, burnished/brushed metals were the cock of the walk.  Today, we consider those to be industrial and cold; these days, shiny and warm are the characteristics you want in your metallic touches.  Bronze and gold (which were actually quite popular only a few years ago) are making a comeback. Consider, perhaps, unifying these elements with some of your antique touches for an elegance that will go unmatched. At the same time, matte appliances are can also give you more metallic elements without that brushed essence.