Some Common Reasons for Water Damage At Home

Water damage will not only occur on account of natural disasters, but it can also be due to other problems. There are various other sources of water damage at home. This guide will brief you about all such sources through which water damage may occur at your place.

How Does Water Damage Occur?

  • Leaking Pipes

Over time, water pipes at home may develop some problems due to clogging, changes in temperature and aging fatigue etc. There can be possibility of leakage and bursting of pipes, if damage is severe. Such situations can lead to major consequences at your place requiring you to hire an expert for repairs and cleaning your facility. In case, you’re also facing such a situation, contact water damage Cincinnati OH for assistance.

  • Water Accumulation

There are few parts at home such as basements, crawl spaces and cooler etc, which accumulate water from outside. Such accumulation of water over a period of time can lead to mold growth. In such situations, it’s important to get the repairs done until problems are accumulated.

  • Malfunctioning In House Appliances

Malfunctioning of various household appliances such as dishwasher, and washing machine etc. can lead to water damage. With aging, the pipes and tubes of these appliances wear out and develop slip and crack.

Therefore, it’s important to be vigilant in maintenance of these items by repairing the damages and getting replacements as and when required. In case, these appliances develop leakage, there are chances of damage near cabinets, seeping under surfaces and flooding on walls, which may further promote growth of mold.

If you find that leaking in the appliance is happening over time, it’s better to call an expert and get the issue resolved on time so that the surrounding structures don’t get affected and are free of mold.

  • Air Conditioners

Another reason for water damage at your facility can be air conditioners. This appliance is installed inside your house. However, it has a drainage pipe, which takes the water outside. Over time, the pipe may get clogged with algae, due to which water starts leaking, thereby creating water damage at home.

Moreover, air conditioners are usually installed on wooden pallets, which further have the possibility of damage due to water leakage. Therefore, it’s better to call an expert and get the water damage corrected.


Hope this guide will give you an overview of possible reasons for water damage. Keep these in consideration and take necessary precautions.