Not Like Caddyshack: 8 Gopher Signs to Look Out For
Do you have a gopher problem in your backyard? If you’re wondering whether these pesky creatures are ruining your yard, it’s good to know the signs. That way you can address the problem before your yard is torn to shreds.
Read on to find out about 8 gopher signs you should look out for!
1. Ruined Gardens May Mean Gophers
Do you love planting gardens in the spring? If you’ve walked outside to discover that some of your favorite plants are shredded or sucked beneath the ground, you may have gophers.
Gophers will attack plants at the roots. They’ll even pull plants into their tunnels, never to be seen again!
2. Look for Mounds of Dirt
One of the clearest signs of gophers is mounds of dirt in your yard. When you look across a pristine green lawn, you’ll see small interruptions. That’s an indication you need to call the pros for help.
3. The Crescent Shape Is a Sign
If you’re wondering about the difference between mole vs gopher, the difference is in the shape of the mounds they produce. Moles will have top entry points in mounds. By contrast, gophers will create crescent-shaped mounds with holes on the sides.
And when you need help getting rid of gophers, turn to for effective pest control. Get those crescent mounds out of your yard!
4. Listen Closely for Gophers
While many gophers are quiet, you might hear their high-pitched sounds. Stand outside at dusk and listen closely. If you don’t hear the high-pitched noises, you may hear the sounds of them burrowing.
5. Watch for Tree Issues
Gophers have been known to cause tree problems, too. Older trees with extensive roots could be most at risk. When gophers burrow too close to them, they’ll expose the roots and make the trees less stable.
6. Activity Will Be in Spring and Fall
Are you wondering, “When do gophers come out of their holes?” You stand a better chance of seeing signs of gophers in the spring and fall months.
So, if you’re wondering how to get rid of gophers, plan your attack in the offseason. Investigate no-kill traps or fences. You also can turn to castor oil to keep these pesky critters away.
7. Irrigation Issues May Signal Gophers
Do you have underwater irrigation? If you have wiring beneath the ground for irrigation or fencing, check to see if it works. Gophers like to gnaw on things beneath the ground.
A non-functional watering system could be due to gophers. Look for damaged wires to find the culprit.
8. Gopher Signs Include Damaged Lawns
Ultimately, gopher problems will result in damaged lawns. From uprooted trees to torn-up gardens, your lawn simply won’t look as good. To keep your home values up, address gopher hole issues quickly.
Know the Signs of Gophers
Understanding the gopher signs is key to getting rid of them. Keep your eyes open for holes and mounds of dirt in the spring and fall. And look for indications that your trees or gardens aren’t in the best shape.
For more tips to keep your property in good shape, check back for new articles.